Famous Passengers

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor traveled exclusively on the SS United States after it launched in 1952. They used it to commute between apartments in Paris and New York City and always stayed in the Duck Suite (cabins U87, 89 and 91). The ship docked in Southampton England on each voyage, but they only left the ship there once at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II.

Marlon Brando (left) and Salvador Dali traveled westbound on the SS United States in November 1954. Mr. Brando threw a party for the crew and brought along a guitar and two bottles of Scotch whiskey. Mr. Dalhi traveled with his pet Ocelot, who stayed in the cabin and presumably didn't attend the party.

Prince Rainier of Monaco traveled westbound on the SS United States in December 1955 to court Grace Kelly. Shortly afterward he proposed to her. After their marriage they sailed on the ship several more times.

Senator John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy sailed aboard the SS United States. He used crutches, not apparent here, due to a back injury.
This was not Jacqueline Bouvier's first trip on the
SS United States. Prior to her marriage to JFK, she traveled as a reporter for the Washington Times-Herald to attend the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Walter Cronkite and his wife Betsy were also aboard that trip.
Photos courtesy of the SS United States Conservancy, Wiki Commons